TWIG - in The Financial Times - Sunday 20th October 2019

TWIG - in The Financial Times - Sunday 20th October 2019

Su gets a nice mention in a Financial Times, House & Home article.

Luke Edward Hall: my move to the country

The FT columnist is putting his stamp on a Cotswolds home. Can this urbanite adapt to rural living?

“Owner Su Daybell shows off a fabulously theatrical selection of pieces in her moody, magical Tetbury shop: stone urns bursting with foliage; an 18th-century Irish mirror with dripping icicles rendered in giltwood; a giant 19th-century bronze Romulus and Remus. A recent addition to our cottage was a glittering grotto chair with a shell for a back and dolphins for legs. Frankly, we’d never seen anything more us.”

Read the full article.

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Published on: 21 October 2019